Jackie Mandeir

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It’s Okay Not To Be Okay and What You Can Do To Help Yourself and Others Revisited (2024)

Hello friends, I’m finally dipping back into my writing and have been spending some time doing some back reading.  Strangely, I wanted to check to see if what I had blogged about in my previous blogs, still resonated with who I am and what I believe today, seeing as a so much has changed for me since March 2023.

I write about how sometimes we soldier on in life ignoring what is happening to us mentally and physically by suppressing our emotions. 

I write about supporting one another by asking the  ‘How are you?’ question with a view to really listening for the answer – now by that I mean, really listening with your heart as well as your mind, being mindful of cues and signs that are at odds with the words someone may be giving you. 

Fast forward to July 2023, by this time I had experienced two very emotional situations in my life and I carried on at work because of a misplaced sense of loyalty and work ethic.  I had many friends, colleagues, and family, who were witness to my health decline and as much as I blog about wellness, I ignored all the signs and carried on working relentlessly. By the time my body and mind finally gave up, I could list 20 – 25 physical, mental, and emotional symptoms that were a direct response to a prolonged period of stress.

My biggest lesson here has been to never ignore stress, at a minimal level it may cause aches, pains, and headaches, but it has the potential to cause far more serious diseases, if left unchecked.

And I am still recovering from this as I write. My current level of strength and wellness has come from a period of re-awakening and re-centering of self and the what and how of this will unfold in the up-and-coming blogs. Along the way, at times, I felt I was ‘doing okay’ and then just when I felt I was done deconstructing and putting myself together again, something else came along and blindsided me.  It has been and still is quite a journey.

If you’ve been a regular reader of my blogs, my future blogs may surprise you,  they may raise some eyebrows, promote debate, and challenge conventional ways of thinking about health and wellness – believe me when I say, I have surprised myself in this process.

These are some of the things that have helped along the way and I will delve into these more in the coming weeks and months:

1.       Meditation - developing a daily meditation practice – by this I don’t mean the use of well-known apps.  Over the years I have subscribed and un-subscribed to these.  I have taken to silent meditation, chanting meditation (Kundalini-based), sound meditation with different frequencies, and walking meditation.

2.     Nature - developing a deep connection to nature and the unity of all that surrounds us.  Learning that we are not separate but deeply connected and that nature gives off a vibration that enhances our wellness. I’ve not managed to hug a tree as yet, or done any forest bathing, but who knows what lies ahead in 2024.

3.     Healthy Food - eating well, minimising ultra-processed foods, and eating in a way that feeds the gut microbiome, not destroys it, as is the key to our wellness.

4.     Exercise - increasing my activity levels, which were non-existent in July 2023. Walking but also movement-based techniques, for example, breathwork, Qi Gong, and yoga.

5.     Alternative Wellness - experiencing alternative wellness techniques, for example, Reiki and connecting with crystal energies.

6.     Sleep - prioritising sleep, by the time of July 2023 I was reliant on over-the-counter medications to induce sleep, which in hindsight wasn’t restful or helpful. I will talk about my experience of levelling out the sleep, whilst dealing with painful emotions during 2023.

I know there is so much more to explore and do to be well and stay well, but these are the things I have been focussing on the last 6 months or so.

What’s Caught My Attention This Week


I’ve been a big fan of The Diary of a CEO and his latest podcast with Dr Will Bulsiewicz who discusses food and our health. The No.1 Poo & Gut Scientist: If Your Poo Looks Like This Go To A Doctor! Dr Will Bulsiewicz (youtube.com)


If you could change one thing about your health and wellbeing in 2024 what would that be?

I hope you’ve enjoyed this re-introduction to my blogs – I would love to hear from you so please do leave me a message or feedback.

All that is left to do for now, is wish you all a fabulous week ahead.  Get some fresh air, and breathe in the beauty of nature all around us.

Jackie x