Jackie Mandeir

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The Benefits of Free Writing as a Journaling Technique (2022)

Hi friends, a little later this week, as yesterday was World Mental Health Day,  I thought I would practice some self-care, and maybe ‘self-compassion’ is a topic for another week.  Last week I had a coaching session and during the session my coach and discussed journaling, in particular a method called free writing. I had forgotten about this method but thought I would give it a try and these are my reflections.

My Week

Free writing is often described as one of the most effective and easy forms of journaling. The idea is to write for a set amount of time or a specified number of pages and you do not stop until the timer sounds or the page is full. 

You essentially write about what is in your mind and what is on your mind and you do it without stopping, thinking, or judging what you write.  Grammar and spelling are other elements that you pay no attention to – it really is just free and liberating.

This method of writing or journaling can bring forward repressed thoughts, emotions, or just things that your mind is having difficulty unravelling. Equally, it may turn out to be a real mish-mash of incoherent thoughts.  The only thing that matters is that you do it and do it freely. 

So if you’re having a bad day at work or at home, this may be a really effective way of sorting out your thoughts.

It’s important not to judge yourself, whatever your mind or heart wants to put onto paper, just go into ‘flow’.

This has really helped me this last week, why not give it a try yourselves, free write a few times a week for a few minutes a day and see how much better it makes you feel.

Please don’t judge yourself during the process and if you don’t want to keep what you’ve written, just throw it away afterwards.

Some of the benefits this form of writing can bring are:

·       Freedom with no expectation – it’s okay to be imperfect, in fact, it’s encouraged.

·       It lets your emotions and thoughts flow freely, freeing stressful ruminating thoughts.

·       It helps increase wellness by alleviating emotional blocks, barriers, and stress.

·       It can help build confidence because it releases self-judgment and judgment from others.

·       It clears your mind by diminishing your problems, so you can focus on what is truly important to you.

·       It frees your mind that enables you to get better quality sleep.

Free writing has really helped me this last week and I hope you give it a try too.

So on to sharing my favourite things this week:

Photo of the Week

Quote of the Week

Question of the Week

What is brightening up your autumn days or where do you find joy in this season?

Thank you for reading.  Bye for now.
