How to Bring Forward the Law of Attraction into Your Life (2022)

Hey friends, welcome to Monday Musings

I’ve been reading The Source by Dr. Tara Swart and will be publishing my book review later in the week.  If you’ve been reading my blogs regularly, you will already have seen some glimpses behind some of the content, for example, journaling.  Dr. Swart advocates we journal on a daily basis (take a look at the blog entitled How Journaling Benefits Your Health and How to Build a Journaling Habit (2022)).

The next exercise in the book which I will be working through this week is called The People Tree outlined below:

1.       To draw a tree with five branches and, on each branch, write the name of one of the five closest people to you. These can be a mixture of friends and family and colleagues, the people you feel are most significant in your life at the moment.

2.     Along each branch, write five words that best describe that person. These can be positive or negative, and should sum up that person and what they mean to you.

3.     It is often said that we are a combination of the five people we spend the most time with, so take a look at these words and see how much of them you recognise in yourself. Put an asterisk by words that relate to any strengths of your own you recognise and draw an X by the negative traits you share.

4.     Think about how you can ameliorate (make better – had to look that word up) the X’s. We are often most judgemental about others for things that deep down we fear in ourselves.

Dr. Swart goes on to say that the 25 words you have chosen are traits that are influencing you constantly. And to consider whether the impact of these on your mindset is fuelling or draining. If your tree is full of negativity, you’ll need to take action to change it. Then consider those who bring out the best in you.  Dr. Swart says to take steps towards ‘pay-it-forward’ – as doing so will make you feel more connected with the positive energy of other people, which is a great way to bolster your own. 

This is the energy that the law of attraction thrives on and we must be its generators as well as its conduits.

I’ll tell you about my reflections on this exercise next week, but do contact me if you do the exercise and wish to tell me about your experience.

Last week I read a book called Why We Play by Joanna Fortune, which in essence is about the importance of ‘play’ as adults - more to come on that later.

This week I have started reading Looking Inward – How to Find Calm in a Chaotic World by Swami Purnachaitanya, which is providing a different perspective on meditation, as above more to come on that later too.

I’m also beginning to generate ideas for my January newsletter and have a few good things up my sleeve.  I’m thinking,  definitely something around goal setting for the year ahead and perhaps a recommended reading list or a reading challenge.

If you’d like me to focus on something specific, do let me know.

So on to sharing my favourite things this week:

This photograph really captured the week for me, as it was full of rain showers and the bird is just a delight to see.  I hope you like it as much as I do.

Photograph Credit: Hugh Harrop via

Quote of the Week

A mind without agitation… is meditation
A mind in the present moment… is meditation
A mind, which becomes ‘no mind’… is meditation
A mind that has no hesitation, no anticipation… is meditation
A mind that has come back home, to the source… is meditation
— Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

YouTube of the Week

This YouTube clip never fails to cheer me up and give me a good laugh.  Not that I’m old enough to remember the programme but the clip is from the 50’s comedy I Love Lucy.

I hope you find it amusing. 

Lucy and the Chocolate Factory high res - YouTube

Question of the Week

And my question to you all is – what has made you laugh this week?

Thank you for reading, I look forward to hearing from you, please leave me a comment. 

Bye for now, Jackie


Is Decluttering Your Home Good for Your Health? (2022)


How Journaling Benefits Your Health and How to Build a Journaling Habit (2022)