Plug Into the Earth: The Surprising Benefits of Grounding


Cast your mind back to when you were a child, do you remember the exhilarating feeling of running around on the grass in your bare feet or the feeling of stepping out onto warm sand, whilst on holiday? Feels amazing doesn’t it?

Let’s explore more about why this might be and how you can ‘ground’ or ‘earth’ more to enhance your well-being, improve your mood, and regulate your sleep. It’s no wonder that when we lead fast-paced lives, with barely enough hours in the day to get all we want to get done, we become disconnected from the natural world.

Did you know there is a simple practice that can bring us back to that connection with Earth? The practice is known as grounding or earthing and its benefits are palpable.

This might be walking barefoot on grass, lying on the beach, sitting under a tree, or even simply touching a tree.  You see by doing this, you are reconnecting with the Earth’s natural energy.

The Science

Grounding is based on the idea that the Earth has a natural, subtle electrical charge that can have positive effects on the human body when we come into direct contact with it.

Image with thanks to Unsplash - Clint McKoy @clintmckoy

Electric Charge and the Body: The human body, like the Earth, is made up of atoms and electrons and when we spend much of our days connected to our devices some researchers believe that this exposure can lead to an imbalance of electrons in our bodies, contributing to inflammation and stress. Grounding helps to neutralize this imbalance by allowing free electrons from the Earth’s surface to flow into the body. This influx of electrons is thought to help stabilise the electrical environment of our cells, reducing inflammation and promoting overall well-being.

Health Benefits

Over the last year, I have embraced grounding to support my well-being and these are the notable benefits you may experience:

  1. Reduction of Inflammation: Studies suggest that grounding may reduce inflammation by improving blood flow and reducing blood viscosity. Inflammation is the body's natural response to injury or stress, but chronic inflammation is linked to numerous health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. By reducing inflammation, grounding could potentially help in preventing or managing these conditions.

  2. Improved Sleep Quality: Research has shown that grounding can improve sleep quality by normalizing cortisol levels, the hormone that plays a key role in stress response. In one study, participants who slept on a grounding mat experienced better sleep, less pain, and lower levels of stress. This indicates that grounding can help reset the body's natural circadian rhythm, leading to more restful sleep.

  3. Enhanced Mood and Stress Reduction: Grounding has been found to have a calming effect on the nervous system, reducing stress and anxiety. By connecting to the Earth, you can potentially reduce your body’s stress responses, leading to a calmer mind and better mood. This is supported by studies showing that grounding can lower cortisol levels, which are often elevated in response to stress.

  4. Boosted Immune System: By reducing inflammation and stress, grounding may also help to boost the immune system. A strong immune system is essential for fighting off infections and diseases, and grounding could potentially play a role in maintaining or enhancing immune function.

How to Practice Grounding

  1. Go Barefoot: One of the simplest ways to practice grounding is to walk barefoot on natural surfaces such as grass, sand, or soil. Even a few minutes can be beneficial. How I do this is by leaving my shoes at the door when putting out washing on the line. Simple and effective and easily incorporated into the day.  I’ve also taken to walking barefoot during my ‘work from home’ days by spending a few minutes doing this in between meetings.

  2. Use Grounding Products:  With the colder months ahead I know this isn’t going to be as easy but there is an option of buying products, such as mats, sheets, and bands, which can help you connect to the Earth’s energy indoors. Earthing mats are meant to enhance your sleep too.

  3. Nature Immersion: Spend time in nature, whether it’s sitting under a tree, lying on the grass, or swimming in a natural body of water. These activities allow you to absorb the Earth’s electrons directly.

  4. Touch Plants or Trees: Simply touching a tree or plant can help you connect with the Earth’s energy. Gardening with your bare hands is another effective way to ground yourself and why not go out a hug a tree – you’ll be amazed at how good it feels, even though you may feel a little silly.

What I’ve learned is that grounding or earthing is a simple, natural practice that offers many health benefits. So, kick off your shoes, step outside, and let the Earth recharge you - what do you have to lose?

Here are a couple of YouTube videos that you may find informative:

The Earthing Movie: The Remarkable Science of Grounding (full documentary)

10: Benefits of Nature & “Grounding - Part of the Huberman Podcast

In what ways do you connect, ground or earth?




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