Action for Happiness August 2022 - Happier, Kinder, and Altruistic

Hello my friend, welcome back to my blog.

If you’ve connected with my website, I hope you’ve found it useful, if you’re reading the blog (my eighth) for the first time, please do take the opportunity to look around the website while you’re here.

My Week

This week I wanted to introduce Action for Happiness, I hope you’ve come across this charity before now, but if not, I’m glad I’m the one introducing their great work. Its mission is to promote a happier world, through a culture that prioritises happiness and kindness.  Their work is underpinned by evidence-based ten keys to happier living:

1.     Giving – do kind things for others

2.     Relating – connect with people

3.     Exercising – take care of your body

4.     Awareness – live life mindfully

5.     Trying out – keep learning new things

6.     Direction – have goals to look forward to

7.     Resilience – find ways to bounce back

8.     Emotions – look for what’s good

9.     Acceptance – be comfortable with who you are

10.   Meaning – be part of something bigger

They have an app and a monthly calendar that can be used to keep you focused.  They also host regular live talks with leading thinkers on happiness, well-being, and mental health. It is definitely worth having a look around the website.

The reason I wanted to talk about this website this week is that this post comes out on Monday 1st August 2022 and I thought that it would be good to follow August’s calendar together and talk about what we’ve done to follow through the days via social media or on the website. 

You can download the calendar from the website or here.

While you’re here on the website, why not have a look around at the book reviews, articles, or free resources, and please do share with your networks.

Coming to the website in August are:

1.       Reflection and book review of The Right Sort of Girl by Anita Rani.

2.     Book review – Thanks for The Feedback – The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well by Douglas Stone and Sheila Heen.

3.     Article – How to Receive Feedback in a Structured Way.

4.     Resource for professionals – Coaching Clients Who Struggle With Feedback in the Workplace.

So on to sharing my favourite things this week.

Favourite Things

Photo of the Week

Small Starling Murmuration

Not the best photo I know, but I wanted to share this spectacle we have had the chance to witness nearly daily this last week.  These are starlings and they gather during the day on the field at the back of my house, the murmuration they create whilst flying around is incredible to see (even though it is relatively small). 

Quote of the Week

The root of happiness is altruism – the wish to be of service to others.
— Dalai Lama XIV

Question of the Week

I’ll always leave you with this question, as I think it’s a nice way for us to connect.  Please do leave your answers in the comments section and I will read and reply to them.  Continuing the theme of altruism.

I would love to hear, what you already do in the service of others.

Thank you for reading.  Bye for now.


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