My Intention: A Return To Wellness

Hello my friend, welcome back to my blog.

If you’ve connected with my website, I hope you’ve found it useful, if you’re reading the blog (my seventh) for the first time, please do take the opportunity to look around the website while you’re here.

My Week

It’s been a painful few weeks; physically with my shoulder, but also emotionally with Holly, our Cocker Spaniel who is recovering from her vestibular attack and whom we now suspect is deaf as a result.

On a more positive note - today I am starting a new approach to my wellness and aim to start with my diet.  Now, if you know me, you will know I pretty much say this every Monday 😊 but this time it’s different. I feel super committed.

A number of years ago I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and did an overhaul of my diet and I suppose as I began to adjust to the symptoms and start to feel better, things began to lapse back into old ways of eating, it is so easily done.  I also turned vegan a five years ago and had to relearn a lot of ways I was eating.  And then the pandemic happened and life was thrown into a spin for most of us, as we adjusted to new ways, some good changes and some not so good. The effects of the pandemic on our physical and mental health is only now emerging, and sadly, I suspect for the most, not in a good way.

So, back to the diet, I’ve tried them all over the years, I’m sure many of you will resonate with that and today the reset has begun. I’ll tell you more on how things unfold over the coming weeks.

Favourite Things

YouTube – Keeping on the theme of eating and wellbeing, let me introduce you to Sadia from Pick Up Limes.  Sadia started Pick Up Limes in 2014 when she was making the transition to a vegan lifestyle, but don’t let that put you off visiting her website or YouTube channel.  She is a dietitian by profession, but her style is very much holistic, so you don’t need to be vegan to get something from her videos or website.  Have a look at this short video entitled “weight loss mistakes and how to succeed”

YouTube – I love the work of Brene Brown – check out her books (Atlas of the Heart is her latest which I am yet to read and review soon) and have a look at this 10 minute clip where she shares: Brene Brown’s Life Advice on Emotions Will Leave You Speechless.

Photo of the Week

Juicing and more in the coming weeks

Juicing was one of my favourite ways to start the day before my diet went astray. This morning I had my first green juice in years and it was fun to make, despite a really bad juicer, which wasn’t really up to the job. I suspect that might be why I gave it up many years ago! Better juicer machine being researched as I type.

I loved buying my array of different fruits and vegetables and laying them all out in front of me this morning, cleaning, chopping and taking in the lovely fresh smells. It was a lovely start to the day, as I also forfeited my morning coffee and replaced it with warm water and lemon slices.

Quote of the Week

I don’t have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness - it’s right in front of me if I’m paying attention and practicing gratitude.
— Brene Brown

Question of the Week

I’ll always leave you with this question, as I think it’s a nice way for us to connect.  Please do leave your answers in the comments section and I will read and reply to them.  Continuing the theme of balance.

“With a focus on your physical and mental health, what’s the most impactful thing you have done this last week”?

Thank you for reading.  Bye for now.


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