What is Blue Monday and 6 Ways to be More Positive (2023)

Hello friends, it’s the third week of January, often referred to as Blue Monday.

The premise behind Blue Monday is that on this day we are cold, short of cash, and already guilty of giving up on any new year’s resolutions or goals we may have set ourselves.

I thought I’d explore the origins of Blue Monday a little further and found that there is a fair bit of controversy surrounding this supposed saddest day of the year. 

From what I can ascertain, the concept of Blue Monday came about in 2005 during a British travel company, Sky Travel, as part of an advertising campaign.  A psychologist Dr. Cliff Arnall came up with the formula, which included the weather, people’s probable levels of cash flow following Christmas and New year festivities, and the low levels of motivation following the setting of new year’s resolutions.

Dr. Cliff Arnall has expressed regrets about having come up with the Blue Monday formula but actually, it does kind of make sense, even though there is no real science behind it and since 2005, Dr. Arnall has consulted the NHS on happiness.

I also find it strange that companies have started to use Blue Monday as a way to sell products that cheer us up, meaning, of course, we spend some more money!

Having said all this, I personally find this quite a crucial week in January for some of the reasons cited above, because of the importance of focusing as much as possible on the positives and practicing gratitude for all the good things in our lives is really important.

So when you’re wishing it was nearly payday or, you’re struggling with motivation, why not take some time out and do something nice for yourself?  It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money and can really make a big difference. Here are my top 6 things you can do today:

1.      Natural sunlight - make time to get outside in the natural sunlight, it really does boost serotonin levels and make you feel better.  Even better if you can do this within the first hour or so after getting up in the morning.

 2.     Healthy Diet - eat a healthy diet full of fresh fruit and vegetables.  It is so tempting to reach for comforting foods which are often full of fat and sugar but nutrient-dense foods will help ensure you feel good.

 3.     Vitamin D - Think about taking a vitamin D supplement.  In the northern hemisphere where we have reduced daylight in the winter, it is important to consider taking a vitamin D supplement, as it is something our bodies usually synthesize through sunshine (please consult your physician, if you have any concerns first). A lack of vitamin D can leave you feeling tired, and lethargic and cause muscle pain, so if you have any concerns speak to your physician.

 4.     Exercise - daily exercise can help increase those happy hormones and increase your energy levels in the process.  Can’t afford a gym membership, there are many YouTube channels offering a range of different exercise routines. Also, if you have a Netflix or Amazon Prime membership there are lots of exercise routines available via those channels too.

5.    Hobbies - take up a new hobby, think about things that bring you joy, and find some time to indulge yourself – it can be quite energising and motivating to learn new things.

 6.     Practice gratitude – this one doesn’t take up much time, all you have to do is spend a few minutes each day and write down a few things you are grateful for.  They can be the simplest things and just the process of bringing your awareness to them can have a compound effect on your well-being.

Other things that have resonated or caught my attention this week are:


This week I have been reading The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane – charisma is something I’ve always been intrigued about, so the book is turning out to be very interesting.  Essentially the author is saying that there are three crucial aspects of charisma: presence, power, and warmth.  Anyway more to come on that when I’ve finished reading it, as it’ll be a book I review. 

Photo of the Week


I chose snowdrops as I’m hoping to see these little joys of winter popping their heads about the soil in a couple of weeks or so.

 Quote of the Week

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer
— Albert Camus

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer – Albert Camus

Question of the Week

I’m wondering what your views are on Blue Monday and what are you doing to keep your spirits up.

Bye for now. Jackie


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