The Charisma Myth by Olivia Fox Cabane


This book explores the concept of charisma and provides techniques for developing it. It challenges the concept that charisma is an innate quality that some people possess and others do not, with Cabane arguing that it is a skill that can be learned and mastered. Charisma is broken down into three main categories presence, power, and warmth.


This is a self-help book that aims to provide readers to improve their charisma and leadership skills.  The book explores key ideas and insights and provides practical techniques and exercises to help readers develop their own charisma, in turn increasing confidence and influence.

The book contains exercises that help develop each of the categories of presence, power, and warmth.  These exercises include using body language and vocal tone to create impact and mental framing and visualisation techniques.  They are designed in a way that they can be easily translated into daily life and practiced in work and social gatherings.

 Structure and Chapters

 The book is divided into three parts as described above and then introduces key concepts.

 Part One – The First Impression

 Chapter 1: The Charismatic Behaviours – an introduction to presence, power, and warmth.

 Chapter 2: The Power of Presence – exploring the importance of being fully present in interactions.

 Chapter 3: How to Turn it On – practical strategies for activating and maintaining presence.

 Part Two: The Obstacles to Presence

 Chapter 4: The Law of Diminishing Returns – challenges that hinder presence and how to overcome them.

 Chapter 5: The Inner Obstacles – exploring the barriers, for example, self-consciousness and tools to overcome.

 Part Three: The Power of Power

 Chapter 6: Power -  introduction to power and understanding dynamics.

 Chapter 7: Powerlessness – explores situations that diminish power and how to overcome powerlessness.

 Chapter 8: Owning Your Space – provides tips on cultivating a powerful presence using body language.

 Part Four: The Power of Warmth

 Chapter 9: The Importance of Warmth – introduction to warmth and the importance of building connections and trust.

 Chapter 10: The Obstacles to Warmth – explores judgement and impatience.

 Chapter 11: How to Turn It On (Again) – techniques for exuding warmth and creating meaningful connections.

 Part Five: The Obstacles to Warmth

 Chapter 12: The Likeability Dilemma – examines the challenges of being universally liked and how to create balance.

 Chapter 13: Composure – explore the concept of gravitas.

 Chapter 14: The Art of Public Speaking – applying presence, power, and warmth and addresses common challenges.

 Chapter 15: The Charismatic Mix – brings all the elements together to create an authentic personal style.

 What resonated?

We often think about charisma as an innate trait that the lucky few possess, when we think of those who have charisma and charm, we can be alluded to thinking it is a natural ability.  And although for some that may be the case, the ability to learn and harness the power charisma brings is enlightening.

The three main concepts of charisma are described as:

 1.     Presence – the art of being fully engaged in the moment, bringing one's whole self to every interaction.

2.     Power – the ability to influence and inspire others around us.

3.     Warmth – the ability to connect with others on an emotional level.

The fact that this book dispels many myths around charisma and gives practical ways to up your levels of charisma was a refreshing read.

 Some of My Favourite Quotes

 “Charisma is not a gift. It is a skill that you can learn and master.”

“Charisma comes down to the energy you give off and the connection you make with others.”

“Presence is the foundation of charisma.”

“Your inner state becomes your outer expression.”

“Confidence is not thinking you’re better than anyone else, it’s realising that you have something valuable to offer.”

“The key to making others feel good is to first feel good yourself.”

“The more you can inspire your audience, the more charismatic you will become.”

“It’s not just what you say, it’s how you say it.”

“Charisma is less about what you do and more about how you do it.”


I really like this book, it explains each of the core principles of charisma, and it provides practice exercises and strategies, to help improve one's confidence.  I found it easy to read and engaging, with lots of real-life examples and anecdotes to illustrate the important concepts.

I think the book is a fabulous read if you wish to boost your self-confidence but an essential read for those in leadership, management, or other positions of societal power.

I’ll leave you with a taster of the exercises in the book around power that help to cultivate power:

  1. Practicing power poses – a well-known concept, whereby adopting expansive, open body postures convey confidence and authority – see my book review – Presence by Amy Cuddy here:

  2. Powerful breathing – here the author encourages readers to practice controlled breathing to cultivate a more powerful demeanor.

  3. Visualisation techniques – used a lot by athletes who visualise successful outcomes in competitive environments.

It was good to see Cabane using several methods, as the exercise will resonate on a different level with different readers. You can see further exercises here:


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