Life is about finding your balance

Wow, hi my friend, this is my first ever blog and I’m super excited about it and also a little nervous.

I’m wondering who is going to be interested in what I have to say, but according to Julia Cameron, “the bedrock tool of creative recovery is a daily practice called Morning Pages.”

Julia Cameron speaks of the benefits of writing 3 pages each morning about anything and everything that comes to mind, saying that the practice provokes, clarifies, comforts, cajoles, prioritises and synchronises the day at hand.

Chris Winfield, entrepreneur and connector from New York, also discusses morning pages on his blog and speaks of the benefits to include; how they centre and clear your mind for the day ahead, help discover your creativity, help to silence your inner critic, make you less anxious, and help you generate ideas.

Chris says “The first words I write on paper are exactly the same as the first words I say in the morning “Today is going to be the best day ever.”

I’m thinking of my blog as my morning pages, or the best of them. I hope to fill them with my reflections, what’s resonated, what’s inspired me, what I’ve learnt and whatever else I think would be useful to share.

I’ll be aiming to blog once a week to begin with and see where this journey takes me.  If you like what I share or if any of it resonates with you, do let me know, I would love to hear from you.

While I was looking through Chris’ website this quote struck me and I thought wow, this is why I am setting up my website.  I just want to put ‘stuff’ out there that people will find interesting, and useful.

“You can get everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want”. – Zig Ziglar

Finding balance is about continually noticing and asking kindly of yourself “is my life in balance?” Am I working too hard? Am I stressed? Am I happy with my work life balance? How am I physically and mentally? How do I take time out to care for myself? I’ll talk around this more over the coming weeks and months.

If this blog resonates with you or has sparked your interest, why not take a look around my website - it really is my gift to you my reader and friend.

There’s a free eBook entitled Personal Development using NLPT - Part 1 The Mind Body Connection - please download it, I would love to hear what you think about it; is it useful? what did you like? and what would you like more of in the future? Also do sign up to my monthly newsletter too.

That’s all for today, however, there will be much more to come going forward and I leave you with one of my favourite health and wellness websites called Tiny Buddha, you can find them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest, their strapline is “simple wisdom for complex lives” – take a look when you have time.

Have a wonderful day.




Life is About Finding Your Balance Part 2