Jackie Mandeir

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Some Things Always Seem Impossible Until They Aren’t

Hello my friend, welcome back to my blog.

If you’ve connected with my website, I hope you’ve found it useful, if you’re reading the blog (my third) please do take a look around the website while you’re here.

My Week

After the whirlwind of last week when I launched my website, this week has felt a little calmer.  Following on from my visit to London, I have managed to decipher that sheet of flip chart paper, which brought my plans together, I’ve mapped them into a planner and feel a lot clearer on what I’m doing, by when and also factoring in building for the future.

I said last week I was reading Anita Rani, The Right Sort of Girl, which I’ve finished and I’m still processing how to share the book’s insights with you, as so much resonated but some of it challenged too and parts of it made me feel really uncomfortable.  Anyway more to come on that in the next few weeks.

What have you been reading this week? I would love to know.

I’m sure many of you are concerned about our home ‘earth’ and for my part, I personally adapted a vegan lifestyle 5 years ago and try to do my bit for the environment as much as possible.  I will venture into that later but I just wanted to share an experience from this week that was, quite honestly, amazing.

In our household we are avid watchers of Chris Packham’s Spring / Autumn / Winter Watch programmes and at this time of the year it is nice to see and hear about bird life – anyway on Wednesday we took a trip up to Rutland Water here in Leicestershire (it’s virtually on my door step and I hadn’t been for over 20 years).  We visited the Rutland Osprey Project and were able to watch a family of Ospreys not only on a live feed but through our binoculars too.  It was amazing to watch Mum tending and protecting her three chicks on the nest, with Dad on feeding duties, as well as keeping watch over his family from nearby.

The staff at the centre were really friendly and informative and it was evident from the moment we arrived how passionate and dedicated they were to the project.  You can watch the live feed here: Osprey Nest Live Feed – have a look, it really is amazing.

Some things always seem impossible until they aren’t – at the turn of the year I had no idea what I wanted for my future with retirement not so far away, and then the idea of this website popped into my mind and I honestly didn’t know where to start.  Well it’s here; I have a lot to learn and adjust, but it’s a journey and I’m enjoying it, so what seemed like the impossible has become a reality.  It makes me wonder what other limitations I have put upon myself and what might be possible if I were able to remove them.  I wonder if you have those too and what one thing seems impossible for you today that you might like to turn into a reality.

I launched my website at the beginning of two weeks off from my day job and as I go back into work, I feel like I’ve had a taste of what my life could be like when I retire from employment.  I love my work and my website is showing me that I can use my knowledge and love for the work I do in a different way. I find myself pondering on what will be, but for now I’m happy to go on this journey and for you to come along with me.

Favourite Things

YouTube – I’ve not watched much content from this latest link but did like this 5 minute watch this week.  It’s called How to Get Started With Personal Development by Modern Health Monk.  Alex Heyne shares three basic personal development principles that made the biggest difference in his life and also has a link to a downloadable worksheet you might like.

Photo of the Week

It has to be this, the Osprey family.

I’m honestly in awe of this family of Osprey, the parental dedication to the chicks is amazing. Apologies for the quality of the photo - it’s taken from the live feed.

 Quote of the Week

Question of the Week

I’ll always leave you with this question, as I think it’s a nice way for us to connect.  Please do leave your answers in the comments section and I will read and reply to them.  Here goes:

“What kind of items do you own that you treasure, and could use more in your daily life?” – Taken from Wabi Sabi – Japanese Wisdom for a Perfectly Imperfect Life (book review coming soon).

Thank you for reading.  Bye for now.