Jackie Mandeir

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What Do You Hope For Now We’re Heading Towards The End Of The Year?

Hello my friend, welcome back to my blog.

If you’ve connected with my website, I hope you’ve found it useful, if you’re reading the blog (my thirteenth) for the first time, please do take the opportunity to look around the website while you’re here.

My Week

So last week was the first week I hadn’t written a blog and the reason was that I was at a spa for the weekend with a very dear friend.  It is our annual trip which is an opportunity to catch up and spend quality time together and also to pamper ourselves a little.  It was a weekend of pure relaxation with time spent chatting, relaxing, reading, exercising, eating good food, having our treatments, and spending time in the various spa settings – from infinity pools to steam rooms.

Then on Wednesday, it was back to reality whilst connecting back to the workplace and trying to get back into a pattern of taking care of myself and others plus doing the work I love.

I’ve just written my first newsletter, which will go out to my subscribers later in the week, so if you are not already signed up to receive emails from me, do take the opportunity to do it now while you are on the website.  The newsletter focus is on reflecting on the year to date and the summer but also reconnecting with important goals we may have set ourselves at the beginning of the year.

I came across the poem I thought would be nice to share with you:


And so begins the season of letting go, when Mother Nature shows us all, how it’s done.

Let go, free yourself, shake it off, drop it, give way for the new.

Create space for new thoughts, new ideas,  new adventures and new connections, by shedding the dead weight you’ve been carrying around, for so long.

And whilst you are there, being reborn and renewed, let go of old anxieties too. Let go of any doubts, fears or beliefs which no longer serve you well.

Release bitterness or past hurts which feast on your beauty. Be brave, Don’t fear the nakedness as your leaves slip away. Mother Nature doesn’t, watch and learn.

Beautiful words as always by Donna Ashworth from her book: ‘I wish I knew’ available on Amazon.

So on to sharing my favourite things this week.

Favourite Things

Photo of the Week

Quote of the Week

Question of the Week

I’ll always leave you with this question, as I think it’s a nice way for us to connect.  Please do leave your answers in the comments section and I will read and reply to them. 

Over the next four months leading toward the end of 2022, what do you hope for?

For me, the answer isn’t in what I want to achieve, although I will continue to strive to achieve my goals, but in wishing the very best for those whose lives are tinged with sadness at this time.

Thank you for reading.  Bye for now.
